Quote From Captain Woody Gore....
Here's a little project for you. The next time you're out and about take notice of the countless numbers of trailers being hauled daily on our roadways. Look closely and you'll see that many are improperly attached to the tow vehicle, don't have working lights, safety chains and are unacceptably maintained. Then ask yourself, why am I riding behind or next to this person trying to kill or injury me or my family?
Note: In just a few hours they were able to get results like this... Just imagine the same results in every State and in every County! Over 50% of these types of trailers will have basic violations. Why.... its about time we address this ongoing concern yet the Utility Trailer industry continues to lobby against the Reflector Tape Law In Virginia because it cost the companies $8.00 dollars ( Please Go here To View http://www.dangeroustrailers.org/Reflector_Tape_Law_In_VA.html )
and in addition if they really addressed public safety then why does 8 states do not require safety chains? Our Organization is attempting to address.
Police In North Hills Crackdown On Trailer Safety
NORTH HILLS (KDKA) ― Police in the North Hills were on the lookout for improperly attached trailers on vehicles.During one stop, the braking system didn't work on a large trailer full of lawn care gear and the chains weren't connected properly.
"If we have an accident the vehicle could break away and injure or kill somebody," Pittsburgh Police officer Tom Jacques said.
During Tuesday's crackdown, police wrote 48 citations, 53 vehicle code warnings and made two arrests for possession of a controlled substance, according to a press release from the Allegheny County District Attorney's Office.
The effort was the result of an accident on Route 8 in April of 2006 that killed a Cranberry man and two of his triplets.
Last December, a trailer came loose from a truck instantly killing an Ellsworth woman on Route 19.
But even law enforcement officers have made trailer mistakes. Pittsburgh Police Bomb Squad officers were ordered to be retrained after a 7,500-pound bomb squad trailer broke free in April.
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