Monday, June 29, 2009
a guy hauling a front-end loader on a flatbed trailer lost them both
There was a little accident on the highway this afternoon: a guy hauling a front-end loader on a flatbed trailer lost them both! It didn't appear that anyone was hurt, and the scene was north of where I get on to head south, so other than blocking off one lane of the road for about 75 yards, no harm done.
From this blogger
Tractor pulling wagon full of 17 people has trailer hitch break

eventeen people, including 11 children, managed to avoid injury after a tractor ride went wrong Sunday night when the trailer hitch broke on the tractor pulling them down Conlon Road.
Gregory J. Luetticke, 46, of Le Roy, who was driving the tractor, did report an injury. He complained of neck pain.
Luetticke was reportedly pulling the wagon down a grass laneway on Conlon when the hitch broke. Luetticke said when the hitch broke, he steered to the west and lost control of the tractor, causing the tractor to overturn. Luetticke was ejected from the tractor and came to rest to the northwest. The wagon stopped moving.
In the wagon were Billie J. Kennedy, 31, Alexa M. Kennedy, 6, Madailein M. Blonski, 5, Ashley Bottonfield, 10, Erica Ulrich, 15, Amber A. Williams, 8, Dominque M. Williams, 14, Mariah A. Williams, 12, Teresa Annecharicle, 35, Tyler M. Annecharicle, 35, Isabell Annecharicle, 10, Nicholas Rogers, 6, Zachary M. Rogers, 10, Colleen M. Rogowski, 39, Allison M. Rogowski, 8 and Lauren E. Wood, 8.
Bradley Brooks, 25, of Spencerport, failed to negotiate a turn on South Lake Road in Bergen Sunday afternoon and drove his motorcycle into a ditch. Brooks was ejected from the bike. He was transported to Strong Memorial Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
Brian D. Whitmore, 25, of Darien Center, suffered a fracture in his arm and collar bone after striking a deer while driving his motorcycle eastbound on Conway Road in Darien. The accident occurred Wednesday about 9 p.m.
No injuries were reported in a single-vehicle accident last night at 11:30 p.m. on Quinlan Road in Le Roy.
The 1996 Dodge coupe was driven by Matthew Derooy, 20, of LeRoy. Deborah J. Derooy, 24, was a passenger.
Derooy reportedly driving the car westbound on Quinlan Road when he drove off the north shoulder and hit a support wire to a National Grid utility pole. The vehicle then continued through a field and landed in a ditch.
No apparent cause is cited in the accident report.
Multiple crashes slow traffic on I-275, Howard Frankland Bridge

Multiple crashes slow traffic on I-275, Howard Frankland Bridge
By Brant James and Kim Wilmath, Times Staff WritersPosted: Jun 26, 2009 07:29 AM
Earlier this morning, a large camping trailer detached from the 2007 gold Chevy SUV lugging it in the northbound lanes of Interstate 275 near the Kennedy Boulevard exit, Kraus said. The SUV driver, 57-year-old Richard Earl Wery, apparently swerved to avoid hitting a ladder that had fallen off another truck, Kraus said. The camper jackknifed, struck the barrier wall and blocked three lanes of traffic for nearly an hour.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Four Children Hurt In Tractor Accident Farm Tractor Pullig Trailer

Note: Was the trailer made to be towed by the Farm Tractor?
Are inspections performed on these trailers?
What training did the child receive before he was allowed to tow?
The injured children all were under 10 years old and were taken by ambulance to a hospital. Two of the victims were treated for minor injuries and two had moderate-to-severe injuries.
Four Children Hurt In Tractor Accident
Night Of Family Fun Turns Terrifying Near Spring Hill
POSTED: 12:09 pm CDT June 6, 2009
Traffic accident sends two people to Altru

Published June 23 2009
UPDATE: Traffic accident sends two people to Altru
Two people remain hospitalized after driver's error sent towed boat into a traffic signal, breaking it loose from its trailer and sending it into the rear of the van. By: James R. Johnson, Grand Forks Herald
Two Grand Forks residents were listed in satisfactory condition Tuesday afternoon at Altru Hospital after the boat their van was towing broke loose and struck the vehicle Monday.
The van was on the southbound exit ramp off Interstate 29 approaching 32nd Avenue South about 3:40 p.m. Monday when the driver, Rodney Clark, 84, failed to stop for a red light, according to Grand Forks police.
The van swerved to avoid crossing traffic and struck the signal standard on the opposite side of the intersection. The boat broke loose from the trailer and entered the rear of the van. Clark and his passenger, Carol Clark, 82, were taken by ambulance to Altru Hospital.
Damage to the rear of the van, boat and trailer was about $10,000. No citations have been issued.
Trailer causes crash on I-69 Family from Canada was injured in the accident

Trailer causes crash on
Family from Canada was injured in the
Updated: Friday, 26 Jun 2009, 4:26 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 26 Jun 2009, 4:46 PM EDT
GRANT COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) - Indiana State Police provided the following information:
Indiana State Police investigated a crash that occurred at 10:55 a.m. Friday morning on I-69 in Grant County, injuring three family members from Ontario, Canada.
Troopers Eric Treon and Nick Campbell (Redkey District) investigated the three vehicle crash on I-69 at the 56 mile-marker which is one mile north of the Fairmount exit.
Preliminary information revealed that a 2004 Ford Excursion pulling a twenty foot utility trailer and driven by Jason R. Rathjen, age 32, 4535 North St. Attica, Michigan, was south bound on I-69 in the right lane when the trailer broke loose and crossed the grassy median.
The trailer continued into the north bound lanes of I-69 and struck a north bound 2006 Honda Odyssey mini-van traveling in the right lane and driven by Thomas R. Gough, age 40, 798 Mosley St. Wasaga Beach, Ontario.
A north bound 2005 Peterbuilt semi-tractor trailer owned by Schneider Trucking and driven by Davis R. Williams, age 49, 6619 Beryl St. Jacksonville, Florida attempted to avoid the wreckage, but struck the trailer.
Gough’s wife, Jane K. Gough, age 42 was riding in the front passenger seat, and their son Aiden Gough, age 5, was riding in the rear passenger seat at the time of the crash. Thomas and Jane Gough were air lifted to Parkview Hospital in Ft. Wayne, Indiana by Parkview Samaritan medical helicopter. Aiden was transported to Parkview Hospital by ground ambulance. No other injuries were reported.
North bound I-69 was closed for approximately two hours while emergency personnel conducted the investigation and cleared the wreckage. Trooper Campbell who serves as Redkey District’s crash re-constructionist utilized photogrammetry in this crash investigation.
Photogrammetry is a computer based program that utilizes integrated digital photography with a specialized software program that creates scale diagrams of crash, or crime scenes that are accurate to within 1/8th of an inch. By comparison, a fatal crash scene may take several hours for investigators to collect evidence, and measurements, to prepare a scale diagram utilizing previous traditional methods.
Fairmount Police Department, Fairmount Fire Department, Grant County EMA, Grant County Sheriff’s Department, and Indiana State Police Commercial Vehicle Division assisted in the crash investigation and traffic control.
Boat blocks traffic on I-35, south of downtown

Boat blocks traffic on I-35, south of downtown
02:05 PM CDT on Thursday, June 25, 2009
KVUE News staff reports A boat fell of a trailer on Interstate 35 in South Austin Thursday afternoon, backing up northbound traffic until the boat could be moved to the side.
It happened near Woodland, just north of Oltorf.
Interstate 35 was shut down while crews worked to move the boat off the road. Some motorists were stuck in traffic for up to 45 minutes.
No injuries were reported, and the lanes were open as of 1 p.m.
Does the Logging Industry Compromise the Safety of Middle Georgians?

rschaerr@wmgt.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Note: As you look over this report... The same can be said of the Utility Trailer Industry...
Does The Utility Trailer Compromise the Safety Of All Americans?
Does the Logging Industry Compromise the Safety of Middle Georgians?
A written test and a driving test is all it takes to get behind the wheel of a tractor trailer. Some say those two tests simply aren't enough to make our roads safe.
We see them driving all over Middle Georgia, on interstates and even in downtown Macon. They keep the forestry industry moving, but does sharing the road with them put your safety at risk? A macon attorney says, yes.
"They don't have to adhere to the safety requirements with respect to maintenance and inspection," said Virgil Adams. "Here they are out on the road, carrying these logs. They're a danger to the public and there's little or nothing we can do about it."
Virgil Adams is a personal injury attorney in Macon. He's represented clients injured in logging truck accidents and says with proper regulation, lives could have been saved.
"There's no agency out there that oversees logging trucks to make sure that they are safe and they are inspected on a regular basis," said Adams.
John Barfield, a trucker for nearly 40 years, is now a truck driving instructor at Middle Georgia Technical College. He says when following log trucks, there are key signs to look out for to avoid an accident:
"If the cargo is extruding from the parameters of the trailer, if you see cables hanging, mud flaps hanging, wheels wobbling, low tire pressures, it's quite obvious then that there's something wrong," said Barfield.
Logging trucks travel on rough terrain everyday and are more likely to have mechanical failures than those traveling solely on highways.
"They are more prone to having damage," said Barfield. "They are only as safe as the driver makes it."
Several accidents involving logging trucks have occurred in the past few years, many of them fatal. Adams believes stricter regulations may have prevented those deaths, or even the accidents all together.
"We've seen some really, really bad accidents," said Adams. If we had the proper regulations they probably could have been prevented."
I-69 crash victims flown to Fort Wayne,,,,,,,,,Loose Trailer

Indiana State Police
A northbound 2005 Peterbilt tractor-trailer rig owned by Schneider Trucking and driven by Davis R. Williams, 49, of Jacksonville, Fla., attempted to avoid the wreckage, but struck the trailer.
I-69 crash victims flown to Fort Wayne
The Journal Gazette
A trailer broke loose from a sport utility vehicle on Interstate 69 Friday, hitting a mini-van carrying a family of three.
Indiana State Police said that a 2004 Ford Excursion pulling the 20-foot trailer was going south in Grant County when the trailer got loose shortly before 11 a.m., crossed the median and into then van going south. A northbound 2005 Peterbilt tractor-trailer rig owned by Schneider Trucking and driven by Davis R. Williams, 49, of Jacksonville, Fla., attempted to avoid the wreckage, but struck the trailer.
The crash, one mile north of the Fairmont exit, injured the occupants of the mini-van. The driver, Thomas R. Gough, 40, and his wife Jane, 42, were flown to Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne. Their 5-year-old son Aiden was transported to Parkview by ambulance. They are from Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada.
No other injuries were reported.
Jason R. Rathjen, 32, of Attica, Mich., was driving the Excursion.
Northbound I-69 was closed for about two hours.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
For lack of SAFETY chain her life was lost TEXAS
July 21, 1991
Edition: FINAL AM
Section: ZONE/CJ
Page: 1A
For lack of chain her life was lost
Author: O.K. Carter; Star-Telegram Writer
Article Text:
Not everyone making the lobby circuit in Austin during the current legislative session has some special interest ax to grind for a multi-billion dollar corporation.
Consider Bob Rankin, a data processing executive from Arlington who invested his vacation time sitting in capitol building legislative offices in the hope that he might be able to save a few lives over the next few years.
Rankin was the husband of Sheri Rankin, killed in Arlington May 10 when a trailer came loose from a towing vehicle and struck her car in opposite-bound traffic. Police estimated that she was driving only 35 mph at the time, and she was wearing a seatbelt. Even so, her small car was no match for a trailer load of steel beams.
"Incredibly, the trailer didn't have safety chains attached to the vehicle," said Rankin, who since then has discovered that Texas is one of only eight states that don't require safety chains.
He's made it a personal agenda lobbying item since, even attempting to get an audience with Gov. Ann Richards to place the issue on the special session docket.
He's unlikely to succeed this time around, but Arlington's legislative delegation - particularly Rep. Kim Brimer - is likely to support his efforts in the future.
Though no statistics are available on runaway trailer accidents, such incidents are more common than might be expected. Not too long ago a Mansfield police officer was also killed by a runaway trailer.
Patriotic debit: Insurance executive Pete Morris took it on himself to be the official provider of Arlington July 4 festivities apparel - t-shirts, hats and the like - and he sold a lot of the stuff, with kick-ins to the 4th of July Committee.
It's not too late for a swell Independence Day 1991 Arlington t-shirt or Frisbee - maybe even with a big discount. Morris is open to negotiation at 274-5535.
Friendly help: Arlington Charities ran out of cash long before it ran out of needs at its new Secretary Street office.
But they found a host of rescuers - from Tom Foster some general construction work, Rocky Walton wrote a check for overhead fans, Hugh Ross provided the outside sign, Elton Smith the pantry shelving, Sodd Electric some needed electric work and Wayne Clark the phone system installation.
"It seemed like every time we needed help, a small miracle happened to see us through," said volunteer Evelyn Coles. "People helped us at every turn and didn't ask for a single bit of credit."
Indeed, Arlington Charities probably wouldn't be able to continue functioning as well as it does without a host of volunteers - people like Nancy Smith, Dr. John Decker, Dr. Harold Berman, John Davis, Bob Essler and P.T. Putnman to name a few.
A bigger miracle: Outgoing Arlington Cares chairman Melissa Saltamachio officially signed off her year at the helm by signing a couple of big checks - $20,000 to the Arlington Multiple Schlerosis Association chapter and a larger than expected $24,100 check to the local John Peter Smith Clinic.
The $44,100 total was a new Arlington Cares record - one that new chairwoman Anita Gatchel plans to eclipse next spring.
"We're shooting for a $50,000 donation," Gatchel said.
Arlington Cares selects a different charity every year, a process taking place this month and next.
Gatchel hopes to expand earnings by expanding the Arlington Cares weekend - it includes a gala, 10-K run, tennis tournament and golf tournament - to Arlington Cares Week, spreading and expanding participation over several days.
O.K. Carter's column appears here every Sunday, and in the Arlington section of the Star-Telegram on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Copyright 1991, 1994 STAR-TELEGRAM INC.
Record Number: FWST36378
Do-it-yourself trailers reborn from truck beds MAN PUTS LIVES AT RISK

This person is putting people in harms way.
What liability insurance does he have?
Does he have product liability?
Who is checking to see the condition of the ball bearings?
Who is checking to see how the welds are?
Who is checking to see the condition of the tires?
How about the safety chains?? It is the law in TEXAS.
Who is providing a manual on how to tow and load this type of vehicle?

Do-it-yourself trailers reborn from truck beds
After fading and rusting away in pastures for years, some tough old trucks are returning to work, reincarnated as trailers.
But they must first withstand decapitation from a welder’s torch. Wielding an acetylene-fueled scalpel, Glen Raabe has performed a half-dozen such steel surgeries. Raabe makes it sound simple.
“Just get an old raggedy pickup. And you cut it right where the firewall would be on the truck, where the engine would be, and you just bend your truck frame rails in, put a hitch on it, put a jack on it, and you got yourself a trailer,” said Raabe, owner of Glen’s Welding in Temple.
And for illumination, you can simply connect the modified trailer’s taillights to a pigtail connection on the pulling pickup’s rear bumper. Make a trip to the county tax assessor, tack on the new plates, and you’ve doubled your hauling capacity.
These born-again trailers do myriad chores: hauling, feeding, advertising and, for one disabled former firefighter, it’s an automated appliance picker-upper.
Anthony Wheeler runs the Corner Trading Post in Rogers. He scours the area for old appliances. Back at the shop, he disassembles them, sells some metal for scrap, and rebuilds the motors for sale.
Last year, Wheeler welded a battery-powered electric winch with steel cable to his trailer - a ’67 Chevy in its first life. And to add a little modern technology to this good-ol’-boy engineering, he installed two solar panels that keep the marine battery charged.
Thursday afternoon, Wheeler rolled his electric wheelchair out of his store into the afternoon heat to demonstrate. An overhead steel arm pivots up, down and 360 degrees. Using controls that look like they came from an Atari video game, he lowers the cable, attaches the steel hook and raises a Kelvinator dishwasher 4 feet in the air. In about one minute, the appliance tumbles into the trailer.
“That’s how you get away with being disabled and still be able to move things,” Wheeler said.
Leaving Rogers, a couple more pickup trailers rest on U.S. 190, near the city limits.
Someone painted a Chevy trailer - age unknown - a Neapolitan-looking yellow, green and white. A small billboard advertising a house for sale sits on three steel beams welded across the trailer sides.
Resting next door to the Rogers Flea Market, a sunbaked, old white Dodge trailer loaded with a rusty metal shelf and tree limbs now runs errands for John Finto. He said he’s built a few of these home-style trailers, but bought this one from a buddy about four years ago.
He says licensing is simple. First, weigh the trailer at a scrapyard or grain co-op.
“You tell ’em you got a homemade trailer,” Finto said. “They ask you what it weighs. You buy your tags.”
He’s seen a few high-steppers paint their trailers to match their pickups.
“It actually looks pretty decent,” he said. “Like somebody trying to make their stuff look good.”
In the tiny community of Heidenheimer, Scott Farr installed a 550-gallon fiberglass tank in his trailer - carved from a ’70s-era half-ton Chevy pickup. He uses it to haul corn to his deer feeders outside Belton.
The tank can be lowered and raised with a steel hinge that Farr installed. On Thursday afternoon, it was positioned at about a 45-degree angle, looking like a white, snub-nosed missile ready for launch.
Out on Texas 53, between Temple and the farm community of Zabcikville, several trailers that were once pickups line the highway, scattered under shade trees and near one graveyard. Neighbors said an old blacksmith has taken an unidentified pickup carcass, expanded it to a dually, welded a long, steel tongue on it to make a muscular trailer capable of hauling heavy loads.
Back at Glen’s Welding, Raabe said 99 percent of the time these trailers are made by country boys who don’t have much money.
“You can probably find a little old pickup somewhere laying dead for $50-$100,” Raabe said. “And they can do it themselves. If you go out and buy a small trailer it’s probably going to cost $700-$800.Flowery Branch man killed in wreck on U.S. 441 in Commerce

Flowery Branch man killed in wreck on U.S. 441 in Commerce
Officials with the Georgia State Patrol said 57-year-old Israel Contreras-Alvarez of Flowery Branch was killed when he lost control of a pick-up truck and overturned just north of Highway 98.
They said 37-year-old Oscar Vallejo, Jr. of Gainesville was injured in the crash as was 30-year-old Israel Contreras-Partida of Dade City, Florida.
GSP officials said the pick-up truck was pulling a trailer which began to sway, causing Contreras-Alvarez to lose control.
They said that's went he went off the shoulder of the road, struck a ditch and overturned.
Authorities said the Contreras was partially ejected and was pronounced dead on the scene. They said the two passengers were transported to Northeast Georgia Medical Center for treatment.
Although the trailer was filled with mulch, officials said none of it spilled onto the roadway. Nonetheless, one lane of the highway was shut down for over an hour while authorities cleared the scene.
GSP officials said officials with the City of Commerce also responded to the crash.
Hall man killed in Commerce crash

Was the trailer overloaded?
Is this trailer inspected at all?
How was the Trailer attached to the Ball?
What training did the driver receive?
What standards are in place for a Utility Trailer In Georgia?
This accident did not have to happen, our organization is deeply unsettled by the loss of another life.
Hall man killed in Commerce crash
Athens Banner-Herald | Story updated at 10:30 pm on 6/16/2009
A crash on the Commerce bypass killed a Hall County man and left two others with serious injuries.
A pickup truck pulling a flatbed trailer loaded with mulch overturned on U.S. Highway 441 near Georgia Highway 98 shortly before 9:30 a.m. Monday.
The wreck killed the driver, Israel Contreras-Alvarez, 57, of Flowery Branch, according to the Georgia State Patrol's Athens post.
Two passengers were taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville with serious injuries. A patrol operator identified them as Oscar Vallejo, 37, of Gainesville, and Israel Contreras-Partida, 30, of Dade City, Fla.
The truck was heading north when the trailer began to sway, and the vehicle went into a ditch and overturned.
Originally published in the Athens Banner-Herald on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Loose Utility Trailer Hits Big Rig In TEXAS

Accident on Loop 250 Leaves Behind a Big Mess
Staff Report
NewsWest 9
MIDLAND - Traffic slowed to a crawl on Tuesday morning in Midland after a crash including an 18-wheeler and a trailer.
Police say a white pick-up truck was pulling a trailer on Loop 250 when it went over the overpass near the north "A" Street exit.
A bump in the road caused the trailer to come unhitched and run across the median and hit the semi truck.
The wreck shut down one lane of traffic in each direction.
Luckily, no one was hurt.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Company, truck driver cited in fatal runaway tire wreck

Company, truck driver cited in fatal runaway tire wreck
DURANGO (AP) - A New Mexico transportation agency has determined that a trailer that lost two tires on U.S. 550, causing a crash that killed a Durango man, had a defective rim and was overdue for an inspection.
Justin Tucker of the state Motor Transportation Division says the truck's driver, 34-year-old Ronnie Jacquez of Bloomfield, N.M., will be cited with operating unsafe equipment and failing to inspect the flatbed. Moberg Welding, which owned the flatbed, will be cited with failing to inspect the trailer annually as required by law.
Tucker says the citations aren't criminal but will count against their safety scores.
Moberg Welding declined to comment.
The tires came off the southbound trailer March 13 near Aztec, N.M. One tire jumped a divider and crashed though the windshield of a northbound SUV, killing a passenger, 44-year-old Ron Newton.
Fatal motorcycle accident under investigation

Note: Look at the condition of this trailer.... missing light on the left.
Do you think if this trailer was required to have 8.33 feet of Reflector Tape type C-2
on the back maybe the driver would have seen it.
You can blame... Carry On trailers along with the National Organizations of These Trailers
that has chosen to spend allot of money to try to defeat our organization Reflector Tape law in Virginia which cost about $8.00. Is your life worth more than $8.00 of Reflector Tape?
Fatal motorcycle accident under investigation
Trailer that motorycle crashed into
NEWBURGH – Newburgh City Police are investigating a fatal motorcycle accident that occurred at 10:35 p.m. Monday in which the 18-year-old male driver was killed.
Police said the operator, from New Windsor, was southbound on West Street when he struck a wooden trailer that was parked on the west side of the street.
The impact caused the bike to spin into the northbound lane, and is believed the driver, who police have not yet publicly identified, was thrown from the vehicle.
Police think that after the initial accident, the driver may have been struck by a northbound vehicle that fled the scene.
Police are trying to identify the owner of the wooden trailer that was either parked or abandoned there; the right side of the axle had been broken off.
Police are also looking for the owner and operator of a white full-size van, possibly a Ford that may have been involved in the incident, said Lt. Charles Broe. Police don’t know if the van was the cause or it if was involved after the motorcycle’s impact with the trailer.
Anyone with information is asked to call Lt. Patrick Arnold at Newburgh City Police Detective Division at 845-569-7509 or the main number at 845-561-3131. All calls will be kept confidential.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
One hurt when pickup, trailer comes loose

One hurt when pickup, trailer roll on I-80
A Tama man was hurt when a trailer came unhitched from the pickup he was driving and both units rolled into an Interstate 80 median on Tuesday afternoon.
Joseph M. Ortiz, 23, was eastbound around 3:55 p.m. on I-80 near the 183 mile marker when the enclosed trailer came unhitched. According to the Iowa State Patrol, the trailer started weaving and Ortiz was unable to control the pickup.
Ortiz was transported to Grinnell Regional Medical Center, where he was listed in fair condition Wednesday morning. Three passengers in the pickup were not injured.
Although it was raining in the area, it was not raining when the accident happened, and road conditions were not deemed a factor in the crash by the patrol.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Trailer comes loose, dumps load on Route 4

Back window of a Dodge Durango was broken when trailer it was hauling became unhooked on Route 4 in Jay Wednesday morning

A trailer became unhooked, spun around and flipped it's load of bark mulch on to Route 4 in Jay Wednesday morning
Trailer comes loose, dumps load on Route 4
By Ann Bryant , Staff Writer
Thursday, May 7, 2009 05:00 am
JAY - A wayward trailer slowed traffic on Route 4 on Wednesday after it came unhooked, spun out and flipped, dumping a small load of bark mulch on the road.
Brian Fournier, 31, of Jay had just left the Transfer Station heading north on Jay flats shortly after 9 a.m. when the trailer he was hauling behind his Dodge Durango let go, said Sgt. Troy Young of Jay Police Department.
The dual-axle trailer, owned by Marco Grimaldi also of Jay, spun, flipped and ended up on its side on the yellow line, Young said.
No other vehicles were involved in the incident and Fournier was not hurt but his SUV was damaged. The back window of the Durango was broken, he said. The trailer received quite a lot of damage.
By chance, a Maine Department of Transportation vehicle carrying a backhoe happened upon the scene. The crew assisted in moving the mulch from the road, Young said.
Jay Fire Department responded to the accident and Hilltop Collision Center hauled the trailer away, Young said.